Monday, October 19, 2009

My Weekend: A List

I'd started this long, meandering and ever-so-slightly emo post about how lovely the fall weather was in DC, how it didn't compare to the beauty of New England, yet still made me nostalgic for that time and place..... but I was putting myself to sleep writing it, so I couldn't imagine anyone actually wanting to read it (even if it's just me, a few weeks from now, browsing through my own scribbles).

Instead, I present a semi-complete list of my weekend's activities:
  1. Driving for approximately four hours in the rain on Friday evening to pick up my sister from Dulles airport, drive her to our parent's in the 'burbs, then drive back into the city, pick up my boyfriend at work and take us home for the evening.  
  2. Dressing up with my sister on Saturday evening, with a bottle of iced-tea flavored vodka nearby, for her (first of several) birthday celebration.
  3. Cursing the torrential rain and my sudden lack of umbrellas.
  4. Unintentionally, and ridiculously, sliding around (and falling down) on the lovely wood floors at my boyfriend's apartment, because my boots had no traction. 
  5. Texting and Twittering with various friends - including some who were at the party - about the party.
  6. Hostessing until 2am, at which point I fell asleep fully clothed.
  7. Having a late brunch with my sister over the Washington Post and mimosas.
  8. Going out to dinner with my family on Sunday night.
I now realize that what I've written are mostly food, alcohol, sleep and/or family related activities. Perhaps enjoyable weekends require a few of these elements in order to be successful.  The crappy weather, maybe not so much, but the rest -- wonderful friends, quality time with family, copious amounts of food and drink -- help make my world go 'round.
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