Wednesday, October 20, 2010

IT'S MOVING TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Update your bookmarks!
Change your blogroll! 
This blog can now be found at 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Today I Am ....

~ Realizing that it's only Tuesday.

~ Realizing that I've felt this way for several Tuesdays in a row.

~ Fighting the urge to eat a third (or would it be fourth?) Mounds bar mini from my coworker's basket o' goodies.

~ Freezing.

~ Happy to be wearing a cute dress, warm tights and my favorite boots, but still wishing it wasn't already fall. (I'm working on it people, I SWEAR!)

~ Glad that I'm able to multitask, because there just don't seem to be enough hours in the day.

~ Wondering when I became the sort of person who thought "there just don't seem to be enough hours in the day".

~ Thinking about this guy I've been spending a bit of time with lately, and when I'll get see him again.

~ Relieved that the event website I've been working on for three days is finally ready to go live (holds breath, crosses fingers and toes).

~ Looking forward to drinks with a friend tonight.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Quote Of The Day - Laugh, Damn It!

“Laugh at yourself first, before anyone else can.”

~ Elsa Maxwell

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This quote makes me smile, because if you ask my friends, family and especially my coworkers, I'm an easy source of laughter. I'm happily self-effacing, I will try to make unnecessarily difficult situations lighter, and anyone who teases me will get teased right back. I live to entertain. (That is, when I'm not trying to make the world a better place. Or trying to get some sleep.)

And with that, I am declaring a moratorium on my whiny "who reads what I write?" "why do I edit so damn much?" "why can't I express myself the way I want to on this blog" kinds of posts.

Because in real life, I'm confident in who I am, I'm not afraid to laugh at myself - and I will try damn hard to make you laugh, too.