Tuesday, October 28, 2008
cartoon imitates my life
This was sent to me by a friend and colleague who knows about my number one problem with my workspace...
You see, I have a coworker who hums when she's stressed out.
More specifically, she hums the opening bars of "Greensleeves". Repeatedly.
For a long time, this wasn't a problem, because I would only hear her when she walked around the office or if we were in the same room, but her workspace wasn't that close to mine, so I could block her out easily.
This changed last winter, when our office moved into a new space, and into cubicles.
And her cubicle is next to mine.
She's been stressed out a lot lately.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
my piece of DC in late October, one Sunday night
I put all these conditions in my title, because these pictures are from my singular experience, taken in my slice of (upper NW) DC, in late October, 10-11pm on a Sunday evening. Walking back from a wonderful pasta dinner (accompanied by plenty of lovely red wine) with some of my best friends. The colors of the trees and the street lights... the late-blooming wild roses.... the amazing houses that are slated to be torn down (which saddens me enormously), or have already been revitalized/re-vamped/re-constructed... the glow of the street lights... I love this place.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Big Tobacco's Spin on Women's Liberation
Yet another article that I find fascinating, not only because of it's connection to my daily work, but it's pretty much what my Masters thesis was about. The manipulation of women by our society, that results in their smoke cigarettes in order to conform to an ideal, which ultimately results in making themselves subordinate to men...!!!
Okay, I'm done. (For now.)
And now for something completely, fashionably different, I would like to present the two dresses I've recently purchased:
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
those stylin' DC women
Okay, I'm one of those sneaker-wearing-ladies. Granted, I wasn't until this past summer, when I finished the process of recovering from a broken foot, but I've joined the ranks for women who carry their nice shoes to change into at work.
But that's besides the point. Overhearing this snippet of conversation made me wonder: Why is this child so observant of the footwear habits of DC women? Is DC really so fashionably backwards that wearing sneakers for part of one's commute is that strange? Strange enough for this child to ask his mother why women aren't wearing their heels?
I'm glad the tourists won't be back until the holidays.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Truly a fantastic, productive meeting.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
oy vey
I'm not saying this is a major offense. But... but... fuck it, that boy is a DOCTOR. I'm a measly non-profit employee!
He did take the metro with me to my neighborhood and walk me to my apartment building -- which I told him was unnecessary, but he insisted, and he lives one stop away from me -- and that was very nice of him. We got to my building, he said "Soooo...." and I gave him a peck on the mouth, skipped up the stairs, saying "Thanks! Hope to talk to you soon!"
He's already texted me to ask me out for this weekend. My sis is in town so I have an excuse to postpone. I also talked to my mom, who said (in a stern voice) "... oh he'll pay next time!" I started laughing hysterically but said I wasn't sure yet about a next time.
.... Update: We're going out again.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
my mother, the yenta
Referrals exchanged and medicinal information they swap.
Business concluded, diagnoses confirmed, they turn to a more pressing concern:
Each has an eldest child who is single. But surely, this issue is one they can turn!
"My son... he’s a gentleman… truly a sweet little guy.”
"And my daughter… she’s a darling – and, really, not too hard on the eyes!”
Voicemails are left, and emails are sent; surely this match they can cook –
Both daughter and son are joyfully told: "You can find each other on Facebook!"
- - - - - - -
I don't write poetry, so pardon my sloppiness, bad rhymes, horrid meter, et cetera. But there was something about the particular situation in which my mother placed me that inspired me to write that "poem" earlier this month.
Anyhow. I have dinner with that young man this evening, and (after fuming at my mother for her meddling for the past two weeks, but now having gotten over it.... sort of) I'm sure it will be perfectly nice. Although I did tell my mother a few nights ago that I think her biological clock for me is ticking much, much faster than my own; she didn't disagree.
If nothing else, I'll be wearing one of my favorite DVF's, the Spotted Frog Jessica. It looks something like this on me...
Guess I should go get ready.....!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Quote of the Day
~ George Washington Carver
Monday, October 13, 2008
Samantha, say it ain't so....!
But I digress; I believe these mournful sentiments are best expressed by my friend, ilovemygeek, on her blog: http://www.dinklifestyle.com/?q=node/21
(I'm working on the hotlinking thing... sorry!)
scenes from my neighborhood
Sunday, October 12, 2008
who doesn't love a long weekend
ANYHOW... I like to keep something amusing in my G-chat status during the week for my friends. In light of the fact that I don't have work tomorrow, and am not likely to be online chatting, I thought I would share a few of the entertaining items I have recently found:
EepyBird's Sticky Note experiment from Eepybird on Vimeo.
9 Reasons Not To Date a T-Rex
The Sherman Foundation: Some loser douchebag's phone messages to a girl
Enjoy, pass along, share your own favorites, and, by all means, please tell me if they're not nearly funny enough to keep in my collection of "funny stuff".
I'm off to curl up with one of the books I'm reading, American Wife (which I highly recommend, even if you didn't like her previous book, Prep.):
Friday, October 10, 2008
another reason not to smoke, ladies
Elizabeth R. Bertone-Johnson, Susan E. Hankinson, Susan R. Johnson, and JoAnn E. Manson
American Journal of Epidemiology Advance Access published on August 13, 2008
Smoking at various ages was assessed by questionnaires. After adjustment for oral contraceptives and other factors, current smokers were 2.1 times as likely as never smokers to develop PMS over the next 2–4 years.... Results suggest that smoking, especially in adolescence and young adulthood, may increase risk of moderate to severe PMS. These findings may provide an additional incentive for young women to avoid cigarette smoking.
- - - - - -
Why does this fascinate me? Well, since you asked... I was a women's studies minor (so close to a double major) in college; my Masters thesis was focused on women and smoking; and a great deal of my work has to do with tobacco control and cessation. "The time of the month" can be unpleasant, so why make it worse?
And now, from feminism to fashion.. it's time for something completely different...
The Diane von Furstenburg dress that I am craving at the moment:
Thursday, October 9, 2008
working hard for the ... uh, cause
If I still belonged to a temple, perhaps I wouldn't have gone to work today; perhaps I would have fasted and truly atoned for the wrongs I have committed in this past year. But I haven't been back to the temple where my sister and I were both bat mitzvah'd for at least 10 years, nor have I felt compelled to join a synagoguge on my own. I often describe myself as a "Bad Jew" and say that the only thing Jewish about me these days is my affinity for Tiffany's -- but today, there were a few moments during which I silently apologized for the wrongs I have committed during the past year, and for anyone I have hurt.
But really, today was like any other day. I hit snooze too many times this morning and had to rush getting ready. While commuting to work, I marveled at both the slowly-changing foliage and the fact that my fellow Washingtonians really do seem to lack any sense of style. And I spent the day working diligently, in the national headquarters of a non-profit organization. (Note: As I am just starting out in the blogging world, I'm not sure how "anonymous" this will be. I expect that the majority of my readers will be people who know me, but I'd rather err on the side of caution... for now, and in this arena, at least.) It was a busy day, but those are the best -- when I don't have time to do anything but try to make a difference in people's lives.
That may sound too corny to be true, but knowing that my work changes lives keeps me going to work every day. Plus, I have fantastic, hysterical, caring and incredibly dedicated coworkers. I can tell you that it's not the money, that's for damn sure. I truly love my job, and consider myself fortunate to be able to say that.